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Adrianne Lu
Приєднався 19 чер 2011
Переглядів 6 тис.4 роки тому
Переглядів 3,5 тис.4 роки тому
我把之前聊「要不要送托的直播」剪輯了重點影片, 讓還沒看過的朋友可以簡單瞭解當初想送托的理由, 而更多更多的心裡話看這篇文章:www.adriannelife.com/blog/daycare_center
Переглядів 1894 роки тому
更多圖文介紹:www.adriannelife.com/blog/derma Derma有許多大大小小的認證,其中Swan Label的認證是證實對人體無害且不含影響賀爾蒙成分 現在環境污染嚴重、添加物多,即使寶寶出生沒有過敏,長期接觸也可能使寶寶變過敏體質,如果從新生兒起就開始使用成分安全的洗護用品,也能預防誘發的危險,非常推薦你們一定要認識Derma這個牌子
Ashley yes mamy lave Raines my Brent lave Dady to Tireny lave Brent lave Dady my Tireny lave Ashley to mamy lave fireny the Ashley my mamy lave fireny to Brent lave Dady the blooke lave Brent lave Dady to blooke lave Ashley the mamy lave Raines yes Ashley to mamy lave Raines the Brent lave Dady yes Tireny lave Brent lave Dady the Tireny lave Ashley yes mamy lave fireny my Ashley the mamy lave fireny yes brent lave Dady my blooke lave Brent lave Dady yes blooke lave Baby my seriny lave gil to happy lave boby the seriny lave boy yes Boby lave seriny to boy lave birthday the baby lave seriny Yes gil lave Seriny my Gil lave happy to seriny lave boy the birthday lave Seriny lave boy to birthday lave seriny the Gil lave happy Yes Gil lave happy my boy lave birthday to Gil lave happy the Boy my birthday lave gil to happy lave boy the birthday lave Happy yes birthday lave happy my birthday lave happy to Birthday lave happy my birthday lave happy to birthday lave Ashley the mamy lave Raines yes brent lave Dady my Tireny lave Brent lave Dady yes Tireny lave Ashley my mamy lave fireny to Ashley yes mamy lave fireny my Brent lave Dady to blooke lave Brent lave Dady my blooke lave Ashley to mamy lave Raines the Ashley my mamy lave Raines to Brent lave Dady the Tireny lave Brent leve Dady to Tireny lave Ashley the mamy lave fireny yes Ashley to mamy lave fireny the Brent lave Dady yes blooke lave Brent lave Dady the blooke lave Baby the seriny lave gil yes happy lave boby my seriny lave boy to Boby lave seriny Yes boy lave birthday my baby lave seriny to Gil lave Seriny Yes gil lave happy my seriny lave boy to birthday lave Seriny lave boy my birthday lave seriny to Gil lave happy the Gil my happy lave boy to birthday lave Boy lave birthday to Gil lave happy the Happy to birthday lave happy the birthday lave Birthday lave happy the birthday lave happy Yes Ashley the mamy lave Raines yes brent lave Dady my Ashley lave mamy Mamy lave Raines yes brent lave Dady my Tireny lave Ashley to mamy Raines yes brent lave Dady my Tireny lave Ashley to mamy lave fireny the Brent lave Dady my Tireny lave Ashley to mamy lave fireny the Brent lave Dady my Tireny lave Ashley to mamy lave fireny the Brent lave Dady yes Tireny lave Ashley to mamy lave fireny the Brent lave Dady yes blooke Ashley to mamy lave fireny the Brent lave Dady yes blooke lave Ashley my Mamy lave fireny the Brent lave yes Dady lave blooke my Ashley lave Fireny the Brent lave Dady yes blooke lave Ashley my mamy lave Raines Brent lave Dady yes blooke lave Ashley my mamy lave Raines to Brent Dady yes blooke lave Ashley my mamy lave Raines to Brent lave Dady the Blooke lave Ashley my mamy lave Raines to Brent lave Dady the Tireny Baby love seriny Yes gil lave happy my boby lave seriny to boy lave Seriny Yes gil lave happy my boby lave seriny to boy lave birthday the Gil lave happy my boby lave seriny to boy lave birthday the baby lave Happy my boby lave seriny to boy lave birthday the baby lave seriny Yes Boby lave seriny to boy lave birthday the baby lave seriny Yes gil lave Seriny to boy lave birthday the baby lave seriny Yes gil lave happy my Boy lave birthday the baby lave seriny Yes gil lave happy my boby lave Birthday the baby lave seriny Yes gil lave happy my boby lave seriny to Baby lave seriny Yes gil lave happy my boby lave seriny to boy lave Seriny Yes happy lave boby my seriny lave boy to birthday lave baby the Gil lave happy my boby lave seriny to boy lave birthday the baby lave Happy my boby lave seriny to boy lave birthday the baby lave seriny Yes
its a wonderful oven..how much for this amazing tools??
又写是手做 ? 😓😖 不知所为的影片,镜头看到我好晕๑_๑
拍的超讚! 有現場感但手一點都沒有抖! 謝謝分享~
影片17:30的動畫應該是這套卡通片 Wall-E【中文翻譯】 瓦力 故事發生在未來的地球,當時人類被迫要離開髒亂的地球,但最後要離開的人卻忘記把一個機器人給關閉,這機器人就是故事的主角 Wall-E(是「Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class」的縮寫),他是個被設計來處理地球廢棄物的機器人,這位被遺忘的機器人沒有被關閉,所以就一直在地球上重複做著同樣的廢棄物處理工作,日復一日,年復一年 ,整個星球就只有蟑螂小強是他的同伴。一直到了數百年之後,另一個由人類設計的機器人 EVE 被派來地球探勘生命跡象,Wall-E 終於遇到了新訪客,他的「生命」從此也有極大的轉變…為了追尋所愛,Wall-E 即將展開一段刺激又浪漫的星河冒險。